Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hey Nobel Prize Committee - WAR IS PEACE, WAR IS PEACE ....

What a Joke, Obama takes 50,000 troops out of Iraq; but puts 50,000 more contractors in, then sends 16,000 more troops to Afghanistan thus continuing the global 'war on terror' and what does the Nobel committee think? He deserves a Nobel Peace Prize. This crap is so Orwellian people - wake the hell up. I'm not an Obama basher, and I've never voted Republican so get off the two party debate as well because to me it's PEPSI or COKE you morons. You support one or the other side of the same corporate elitist network ; so wake up and start treating it that way.

Now, I know the political BS comes into play here, and Obama cannot look like a 'socialist' for not fighting the 'big bad terrorists' overseas to the right wingers, and had to satisfy the left by pulling out 50,000 troops. The point is, he's playing you all like a friggin' piano, and you people don't even get it. FOLLOW THE MONEY!!! I always have, and I always will when it comes to political issues, because....

... annnnnd sooooo :

The rich have stolen your government, and your economy. You must think it's all a big joke, and it's not. The Dollar has fallen 11% against the Russian Rub el. Doesn't that concern you a bit? Gold is up over $1,000 which is what I TOLD YOU. Doesn't THAT concern you? Did you ever think that could happen? Are you conditioned from a young age to believe everything you hear on the radio and watch on television?

Grow up. Start thinking for yourselves. We've fallen asleep at the wheel and our country is in DEEP because of the crooked politicians, bankers, lobbyists, and private interests that control literally everything now. Is this the country you want to give your children? Is these the values you want to raise your family with? Is it ethical for our politicians to deal out over 20 TRILLION DOLLARS to private interests, while leaving the hard working people HOMELESS and in the middle of a mortgage crisis perpetuated by GREED ?

People are waking up everywhere... and to you, I tip my hat in trust as my brother in arms and friend through this struggle. But to those whom still arrogantly shout the statistics of the corporate news networks - grow the fuck up. Obama didn't deserve a Nobel peace prize, the elitists decided he did. Who pulls his strings? Ask yourselves more questions ; think for yourselves and you will be truly free.

Average Bonus at Goldman Sach's in London : $800,000
Executive Bonuses : Several Million $

Ask yourselves why ROLLS ROYCE set a record year -- woooh, hoo well cheers to them eh? go figure in the middle of a recession eh? I assume all the parts / engines and such it supplies to the military industrial complex didn't hurt, either.

Ask yourself, why that in the late 70's the average high income went from around $200k, to $450k -- and why the middle class only went from 40k to 47k ... and the lower classes sank to an all time low in average income??

... me, I'm still trying to figure out what I would actually do with $500,000 a year as income. I think people have become much to indulgent, and comfortable. Perhaps a rude awakening is coming. And maybe, just maybe - not one set in place by an act of war ; but by 'acts' of greed, and indulgent misdoings. What happens 10 years from now? Will they just continue to borrow more, bailing us out perpetually ? ...

Money is the root of all evil. And as Orwell wrote ; WAR, is PEACE.