Ok, so big surprise right? Obama, the chosen one - (by the corporate / banking elite) won the election. Yay, Slaves for Change.
See, the problem is that you live in a corporate plutocracy. Voting for McCain is like voting the oil corporations back into power, and voting for Obama is like voting the Bankers into office.
The American people will continue to choose Pepsi, or Coca Cola - as the two party system continues to tear this country apart and divide us on issues (like Prop 8) which have NO significance whatsoever other than to act as a societal wedge between us. You want to end tyranny and poverty and war? Then we need to come together on these issues people. But for people to act like Obama is the 'underdog' or something, and 'they can't believe that he won', is just pure stupidity on their part. This guy was backed with 3-4X the wallstreet capital as McCain. I'm not saying McCain was a better choice, either - what I'm saying is that once again - we choose the 'lesser of two evils' in this country, which is VERY apparent when I talk to my fellow Americans.
This needs to end. We need to put a stop to this destructive two party system, and allow candidates from the green party and constitution party in on the debates, and allow them the same amount of coverage that the Democrats and Republicans get. This is a free country god damn it, and I'll be damned if I ever vote in this two party fleece act of a system again. What for?
I could have told you 6 months ago that Obama was going to win it. All you had to look at was how much money the banking cartel had thrown at him, and you'd quickly realize that he was and has always been the chosen one for the 08 US election. Don't get me wrong, he sure fires off a smooth set of words -- but we'll see if his actions speak louder than empty words. You have to admit that at this point (anyone) would be crazy to want the Job as US commander in chief. Our country is in a state of total disrepair and we're going into another recession ; so what makes you people think Obama is going to fix what's broken?
I don't. I'm not that shallow in my observations of our political system. Obama can't fix what's broken - because he's not going to. It would be like Chase Manhattan telling all of the big bankers to lay off, and give the people with these bad mortgages a break. Never going to happen ; Obama is an International Banking elitest TOOL of the new world order. What's funny is Obama is like putting lipstick on a pig - you can dress up the Banking elite in the clothes of the impoverished people, but you can't hide from the millions of dollars which were leveraged (by the banking elite) to make this guy win.
Let's stop calling Obama the Messiah and ' the change' America needs - right out the gate. I'm sick of this propagandist roderick who's intent is to make you bow down to the all powerful leader. Wait until he actually makes some good decisions (as commander in chief) before you go around worshiping the guy. That's all I am saying, you easily malleable morons!