Deepz0ne is a very well known cracker, whom cracked the copy protection on Sound Forge version 4.5. Why is this important?
Microsoft has been busted yet again. They (or the sub-contractor whom created the Windows Tour ) have been using a totally pirated, cracked version of Sound Forge to create files that are inside the Windows Tour folder.
These files have been made with Sound Forge 4.5 (The cracked version) first cracked by a cracker called "Deepz0ne".
Deepz0ne was one of the founders of the cracking group "Radium" and cracked the first ever Sound Forge 4.5, for illegal, pirate use. This is amazing news to the tech world ; Microsoft is using pirated software, and not just that -- but to create a product which it has sold around the globe - Windows XP.
It seems that Microsoft have got the pirate copy, and just made the files on that.
How do I find this you ask? Just do the following:
Click on "My Computer" on your desktop.
Double click the C:/ Drive (Local Disk)
Double click the "WINDOWS" folder.
Double click the "Help" folder.
Double click the "Tours" folder.
Double click the "WindowsMediaPlayer" folder
Double click the "Audio" folder
You will then be presented with WAV files. Right click any one of these, and open it with NotePad. Scroll right to the bottom and you should see this:
"2000-04-06 IENG Deepz0ne ISFT Sound Forge 4.5" The first 4 digits may alter, but everything else stays the same.
As you can clearly see, Deepz0ne's cracked SoundForge was used to create these files, which is illegal, because the software is used was a pirated copy of Sound Forge 4.5. Microsoft, got some answers for the thousands of pirates you've put in jail for the very same thing? Do you think that the pirates you put in jail turn as large of a profit using this software as ; well ; YOU for instance ? For a company of your size to use pirated software (is the real crime) and home users who copy MS Word are not the criminals that are profiting from the use of your software titles.
Look it up on your PC, and you'll quickly begin to see the (larger picture) that faces us as a nation of software users.