Wednesday, August 5, 2009

US Federal Reserve (private bank) - doesn't want to be audited - HR 1207

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Iraq, Iran, and get the oil man

Was the war is won, or lost?

Who is to say that a war is ever 'won' at all, when in actuality - all is lost ; and only those in powerful positions 'win' financially, by providing the materials to fight the war in the first place. Many times, the elite are financing both sides of the war. Just look at history ; because I'm tired of playing in the sandbox with people on this issue.

The Federal Reserve isn't a 'conspiracy theory', either - you people need to get your friggin' heads checked out.

Rosthchild financiers funded both sides of many wars ; with the ultimate goal of total global financial domination. That ; my friends is the truth - and for those to question the issue just makes me angry at this point. I've done the research, reading numerous papers, books, articles, and even government documents on the issue. Ultimately, the Fed is in control of our country - and those whom question their financial dominance and influence are basically ignored by the mainstream media.

Recently, there have been efforts to audit the Federal Reserve. Those efforts, have been stonewalled by the Fed itself ; only making them seem even more at the heart of our problems. If Americans wanted to live free, or die - why did we put a Financial dictatorship at the helm of our entire monetary system? I believe the answer is that we were tricked into it. The great depression was pretty much engineered by the JP Morgan co ; and power was given to the Fed soon after.

What I see taking place in our economy now, is another financial 'fire sale' of sorts. The banks have been dealt out an amazing amount of capital from the (you guessed it!) Federal Reserve ; and they're not lending any of it to us. Why? Well , in my opinion and that of many others - they are waiting for our economy to bottom out, tank hard -- drop below expectations ; so that they can buy up Banks, Corporations, Properties, (everything) for pennies on the dollar.

One of the best investments to date has been Gold, which is interesting to me - as if the United States had stayed on a gold or even a silver standard maybe we wouldn't be in this position today with our currency being based only in the OIL commodity. What's that you say? Well, there really isn't anything banking our beloved greenback other than the fact that other countries must buy their oil from the middle east in US DOLLARS. That's when the Iraq iwar(s) become a lot clearer -- and this is another example of how brainwashed we all really are. Iraq has the WORLD's 2ND LARGEST oil reserves. Again, #2 in the WORLD.... The 2005 Iraqi constitution influenced by US advisors, also contains language guaranteeing a major role for foreign oil companies. We've basically dropped ourselves right into a war for financial means, not a war to free (anyone) ; and I see the same propaganda being fed by the Obama administration now about Iran. What are we gearing up to secure more Oil Land? Get real people. Iran is #2 in natural gas production, and right behind Iraq at #3 in oil production. Must be nice for the good old USA to secure both #2, and #3 in oil production... quite a good land grab, old boys!


" We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order." - David Rockefeller

ENDGAME: Blueprint for Global Enslavement